Easy fun elf on shelf ideas (2024)

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One that requires minimal effort is to get a few of your child’s favorite toys out and then leave the elf sitting amongst them as if they are playing.

Easy fun elf on shelf ideas (1)

You can also go the way of having the elf make photocopies of themselves, if you do not have a camera to use.

Easy fun elf on shelf ideas (2)

You could even print some of these pictures out the night before and leave them scattered around the bedroom or lounge space. If they are deep sleepers this could be a funny one to try. Another step to this would be to take snaps of the elf next to your child in bed.

Easy fun elf on shelf ideas (3)

You can then show your child in the morning and say you have found them on the device. Get your phone or iPad and take a few snaps as if the elf was taking a selfie. This is a great one to try if you have run out of ideas. This is a mischievous setup but also so quick to do if you have run out of time or even forgotten in the morning. If you can, smear a little chocolate on the face. Sometimes you don’t have time even for the simplest of setups, and that’s ok, so place the elf in a box of candy or amongst some wrappers from chocolates. Perhaps writing an answer down on a piece of paper. Another great one would be to set the elf up with your child’s schoolwork or homework. They could be sat reading the book in a corner of the room, or add a few toys in front of the elf so it looks like the elf is reading to them. You could use your child’s school book or one of their favorites from their bedroom. One of the simplest ideas you could try, but one your children will love is to set up the elf with a reading book. Hang streamers from the fans all around the house. You can also have the elf decorate the house or the tree in a silly manner with the kids clothing, underwear or with toilet paper.ĭecorating the bathroom with some tinsel or any other room in the house is another great easy option. If you want to add a level of mischief to this quick set up then maybe hang the toys from the light with tinsel or ribbon. Set up the toys and the elf with the decorations anywhere in the room, but a great spot could be under the Christmas tree. You could use tinsel, string, Christmas wrapping paper, and bows. You can get a few of your child’s favorite toys and get the elf to decorate them. From toilet paper, to wrapping paper, tinsel or streamers the possibilities are endless and super easy. There are so many different ways that you can get fun decorating done in the house that will make the kids love the fun the elf did. Hiding in A Water Bottle Elf on the Shelf IdeaĪ great idea is to get the elf decorating.Still need more Elf ideas? Check these out! Children can register their elf online to receive an official adoption certificate and a special letter from Santa. At the start of each Christmas season, the elf appears to serve as Santa’s eyes and ears, traveling back to the North Pole each and every night to make a detailed report of the day’s activities. Claus, Santa has allowed his biggest secret to be revealed in The Elf on the Shelf: A Christmas Tradition. Year after year, children and adults alike are baffled by the mystery of how Santa really knows who’s been naughty or nice. So here are some Last Minute Elf on the Shelf Ideas that Require Minimum Effort that the kids will love and you can get done quickly.

Easy fun elf on shelf ideas (4)

However, many parents endure the elf on the shelf purely to see the delight in their children’s faces each day, after all, it is the magic that makes Christmas time with children, isn’t it? But not all of us have the time for elaborate setups and lots of mischiefs. Especially at one of the busiest times of the year. After all, while it can be completely magical for a child, it can cause a lot of stress and extra pressure on parents that perhaps they don’t need. The elf on the shelf is one of those things that is loved by children and can send fear into the parents. Last Minute Elf on the Shelf Ideas that Require Minimum Effort


Easy fun elf on shelf ideas (2024)
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