Best Scents for Beeswax Candles | Candle Pursuits (2024)

Want to ensure that your beeswax candle gives off a scent that relaxes and pulls away unpleasant odor? We’ve searched high and low and found the best fragrances for beeswax candles. Unlike their soy and paraffin wax counterparts, these candles are known for their air-purifying properties and long burning time.

The best scents for beeswax candles you can choose depending on the season. The best aromas for summer are citrus and floral scents. Opt for anything between citrus, woodsy, minty, and camphorous scents in springtime. Spicy, citrus, and camphorous scents are perfect in winter, and in fall, choose spicy, lemon, and camphorous aromas.

Best Scents for Beeswax Candles | Candle Pursuits (1)

Beeswax candles have been around since the 6th/7th A.D.; their many benefits have continually drawn people. In the preceding sections of this article, you’d learn more about the family of fragrances, the best natural scents under each family, and their benefits. Also, get ready to tap into your creativity as you’d learn how to make beeswax candles.

Best Scents for Beeswax Candles

Here’s a table showing the family of scents and the best scents for the beeswax candle for each family.

GrapefruitMarjoramCardamonSandalwoodTea treeLavenderBasil

Black Pepper



Orange, is a citrus family member. It takes the top spot in the list of best scents for beeswax candles. This is because of the aromatherapeutic effects its fresh and sweet scent offers.

Adding orange essential scented oil to your beeswax candles can help reduce anxiety and depression while giving you a feeling of relaxation and comfort.

Other scents that blend well with the orange scent include different citrus scents, floral aromas, and even scents belonging to the spice family.


The rosemary scent can be categorized as a woodsy, herbal, or minty family member. This Mediterranean native was first discovered some 5000 BC ago and was used by the Egyptians to bury their dead.

Its aromatherapeutic effects aid in memory retention and concentration. It also helps to increase blood flow. This scent blends well with lime, grapefruit, peppermint, Eucalyptus, and Lavender.


If you desire that festive feel all year round, then Cinnamon scents should be your go-to. It’s perfect for giving your home that cozy atmosphere. It gives off a peppery, woodsy, earthy, and even spicy scent.

Its aromatherapeutic benefits help you in relieving your favorite memories. You should also know that this aroma blends well with orange, vanilla, and clove.


If you’ve ever wondered what the Hindus refer to wood as wood for the gods, you’re looking at it right here. Cedarwood is a common additive in incense. It possesses both aromatherapeutic and insecticidal properties. It promotes better sleep patterns and repels insect-like ants and ticks infestation, especially in areas where food is stored.

The cedarwood scent blends well with rosemary, bergamot, grapefruit, lemon, and even cinnamon. For canine and feline owners, please consult your Vet on whether to use cedarwood around them. We generally advise that you avoid using a solid concentration of cedarwood essential oil when making beeswax candles.


Pine combines all the wonders of fresh, woody, and earthy scent in one. This Eurasia native blends with eucalyptus, juniper, myrrh and lavender, frankincense, cedarwood, rosemary, lemon, lime, or sweet orange. It helps in deodorizing and serves as an air freshener. However, do well to remember that pine scent is toxic to both dogs and cats.


With its soothing properties, lavender is one scent you won’t regret adding to your beeswax candle. Its fruity and floral scent helps eliminate stress, depression, and anxiety. Additionally, it has sleep-inducing properties and promotes sound sleep patterns. This scent blends well with frankincense, rosemary, sweet orange, sage, grapefruit, bergamot, jasmine, and lemon.


The peppermint scent is excellent for its analgesic properties and cooling effect. In addition, its fresh and herbaceous aroma puts it at the top of the list in the mint family as it is a hybrid of spearmint and water mint.

This scent blends perfectly with rosemary, lemon, lime, lavender, cedarwood, and grapefruit.


Myrrh and frankincense are members of the earthy scent family. They are known for their fragrant solid scents and are fast replacing synthetic additives in commercial candles. They are also popularly used as incense and in many religious ceremonies.

Myrrh blends well with frankincense; their synergy produces outstanding results. It also blends well with lemon, lavender, cedarwood, bergamot, and eucalyptus.

How to Make Scented Beeswax Candle at Home

This section of the article discusses all the steps to follow to make DIY scented beeswax candles. Also, for this article, we’d be adopting the double boiler technique of making beeswax candles as an alternative to the stove melting method.

Required Ingredients and Materials

  • White or yellow organic beeswax pellets
  • Organic coconut oil
  • Measuring Cup
  • Essential oils (any of the scents above)
  • Organic wick
  • Glass jar
  • Wick stickers
  • Hot glue gun

Step 1: Wick Preparation and Placement

This step is first and quite important for several reasons. It saves time and prevents you from making costly mistakes. First, ensure that the container matches the wick size. The larger the glass jar you intend to use for the wax, the bigger the wick.

Once you have the correct size wick, attach the wick stickers to the wick tab, expose the wick sticker and place it at the center of the mason jar (glass jar). Alternatively, you can use a hot glue gun to attach the wax to the bottom of the jar if wax stickers are unavailable.

Step 2: Melt the Beeswax

Here’s where the double boiler comes out to play. In this step of the scented beeswax making process, add beeswax and coconut oil in a 4:1 ratio to a double boiler and melt over medium heat. While it is melting, ensure you stir continuously to ensure a uniform melt.

N.B.: Coconut oil addition helps extend the burning time of the candles.

Step 3: Add Essential Oils for Scent and Stir

Prior to this stage, you must have chosen the essential oil or a combination of essential oils that will deliver the scent you desire. Measure and then pour in the essential oil for fragrance. For every 28g of beeswax, add 1ml of essential oil. Once added, stir gently using a stirring glass or spoon.

Step 4: Pour the Wax into the Glass Jar and Allow to Cool

Now, carefully, pour the wax into the glass jar. Ensure that you leave about ½ inch of space at the top of the glass jar.

Once run entirely, ensure that the wick is at the center of the wax before it completely solidifies. You can achieve this by using wick-centering devices and clothespins. Finally, trim the wick until it is ¼ of an inch above the wax and leave it to cool and solidify.


Q1) How do you make scented solid beeswax candles?

For scented solid beeswax candles, 25 drops of essential oil per ounce of beeswax will do the trick.

Q2) Is white or yellow beeswax better for candles?

When it comes to making candles, yellow beeswax is the best choice. Unlike white beeswax, it does not undergo natural bleaching.


Remember that you can always experiment with any of the best scents listed above. Do not be afraid to mix scents from different families in varying quantities until you get your desired results.

Best Scents for Beeswax Candles | Candle Pursuits (2024)
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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

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Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

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